Advertise in the Town Crier
Since 1955, the Town Crier has been connecting advertisers with their audience. When you place an ad it will be reaching over 12,000 readers in the area.

Get In Touch
810 E 1ST ST. Pella, IA 50219
For All of Your Advertising Needs
Display Ads, Reader Ads, Garage Sale Ads and Inserts. Job openings, events, for sale – your advertising possibilities are endless!
Display Ads
Make an impact with a display ad. Tell your grandma happy birthday, or find the perfect employee. Add a photo or graphic to really stand out! Send a finished ad, or send us photos, wording and approximate ad size and we will design it for you at no extra cost!

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More than 70% of US adults read newspapers each month. Don't miss out on the best opportunity to reach customers!
Newspaper advertising costs less per thousand reader than any other form of advertising. Printed advertising keeps the attention of your audience much longer than digital advertising.
Reader Ads
Reader ads are a cost effective way to get your message to your audience.
15 words or less = $7.75. 16 words or more = an addition 30¢ per word.
Include your heading (For Sale, For Rent, Help Wanted, etc.) and remember to tell all the important facts. Include commas and other punctuation as needed.
After sending your ad, stop by or give us a call to pay.
AD DEADLINE: Thursday at Noon.
ad deadline
Garage Sale Ads
Attract a bigger crowd by placing a garage sale ad!
Only $7.75 for the first 15 words and 30¢/word after.
Include all dates, times, address of sale, and other important facts.
After sending your ad, stop by or give us a call to pay.
AD DEADLINE: Thursday at noon the week before the sale date. Ads submitted late will run only if space is available.