• FRI., 7/5, 8-6 SAT., 7/6, 8-12 1466 LAKE DR. KNOXVILLE MOVING SALE Lots of everything, tools, saws, ladders, quilts, men’s clothes, books, everything from kitchen, dishes, glasses, pans, you name it, it’s here and for sale. • FRI., 7/5, 8:30-1 SAT., 7/6, 8:30-1 211...
• THUR., 6/27, 1-6 FRI., 6/28, 8-6 SAT., 6/29, 8-12 203 E 9TH ST. Name-brand boys clothes (NB-3T all seasons), kids shoes, TONS of baby items, toys, women’s clothing (maternity). Garage sale prices! • THUR., 6/27, 4-6 FRI., 6/28, 9-1 SAT., 6/29, 8-11 939 MAIN ST. Teen...
• FRI., 6/21, 12-6 SAT., 6/22, 8-12 1328 E 6TH ST. LOTS of seasonal & vintage home decor, boys med. 7-8 clothes, Sonic, Godzilla, etc action figures, baseball cards, books, women & preteen clothes, winter coats, designer shoes & handbags, leather...
• WED., 6/12, 7-5 THURS., 6/13, 7-5 FRI., 6/14, 7-5 SAT., 6/15, 7-5 1510 EDGEWOOD DR. Hundreds of tools and toolboxes/chests/organizers – mechanic, electrical, plumbing, woodworking, pneumatic, home improvement, gardening. Supplies – automotive, lumber, pipe, wire,...
• FRI., 6/7, 9-6 SAT., 6/8 9-12 1280 HIGHWAY 163 5 MILES EAST OF PELLA – MOVING SALE. Home decor, kitchen items, camping supplies, sleeping bags, coolers, lawn chairs, toys, Barbies, high chair, Pack & Play, XL dog kennel, fishing items, luggage, Harley...